ken & renee
Currently serving in Ohio
Agency: CBM
Ken & Renee are engaged in inner-city church planting with Continental Baptist Missions. Ken is the founding pastor City View Baptist Church in the heart of Cleveland.
Ken, a Michigan native, went to Cleveland by way of Pennsylvania where he was a pastor for 6 years. After having heart surgery at the Cleveland Clinic in his 30’s, Ken was burdened to go and serve the people of Cleveland. Ken’s vision is to bring the hope of Christ to the many in Cleveland who have searched desperately for hope in all the wrong places. It is his desire to see a church planted in the downtown area that is committed to the careful teaching and preaching of God’s Word. To help him accomplish this goal, Ken is currently pursuing a Doctorate of Ministry degree.
Since his initial heart surgery, Ken has enjoyed setting and meeting challenging physical goals. He has biked across America and completed the Cleveland Marathon as well as a triathlon on the UP of Michigan. He and his wife Renee, who holds a B.A. in Children’s Ministry with a Home Econ. minor, have four adult children.